Documentation | VTK | Contact
Kitware provides this asset to demonstrate the integration of VTK into Unity through a minimalist medical image viewer.
The viewer takes a 3D image as input and uses VTK to render it within the Unity scene. Scripts are provided to control the visualization properties of the image and to process data using VTK filters.
The following image file formats are supported:
- DICOM folder: Path to a folder containing DICOM files
- VTK Image Data: .vti
- MetaImage: .mha/mhd
The example scene illustrates the functionalities available with the asset:
- Volume Rendering:
Display series of 2D slices stacked as a 3D volume. The transfer function used for color and opacity mapping can be adjusted through the provided scripts.
- Anatomical planes
Display the axial, sagittal, and coronal slices of the input image. The index of each slice inside the volume can be adjusted in real time.
- Isosurface
Extract contours of the data where all values match a threshold specified as input.
- Image histogram
Display the distribution of data in the input image. It can be used to identify the number of pixels assigned to a particular value for isosurface extraction.
- OS support:
The VTK plugin has been implemented and tested for Windows only. Support for Linux and MacOS might come in future versions.
- Unity Graphics API:
VTK relies on the OpenGL rendering backend, thus Unity graphics API must be set to OpenGLCore.
- Missing functionalities:
This asset only provides a small subset of the VTK functionalities available in C++. While future versions of this asset plan to extend the list of available functionalities, it is possible to access the whole set of functionalities in VTK by using Activiz which provides VTK API in C#. Contact kitware@kitware.fr for more information.