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MadGoat SSAA & Resolution Scale brings one of the best anti-aliasing techniques to your Unity3D project: be it a game, a VR application or an archviz presentation, now you can achieve stunning image quality with just one click!
NEW! Now with HDRP & LWRP 2019.1+ Support!
Full details about platform/pipeline compatibility: Compatibility List
Our SuperSampling solution is the most affordable, complete and stable SSAA system for Unity:
• Supports HDRP & LWRP: Version 2.0.0 introduced full support for Scriptable Render Pipelines on Unity 2019.1 and newer!
• FSSAA and TSSAA techniques: Super Sampling as used by AAA studios - combines the power of SSAA with the versatility of FXAA or temporal reprojection.(TSSAA is only available for HDRP)
• The best AA solution for VR: Supports all the popular desktop VR devices in both single and multi pass rendering.
• High Compatibility: Supports all Unity3D versions starting from 2017 up to current (also compatible with older versions but not officially tested)
• Multiple uses: Our SSAA system also works perfectly in cinematics, off-screen rendering and arch-viz applications.
• Resolution Scaling: Ability to scale the resolution by percent, such as seen in the settings menus of many AAA titles. This allows the users to change the render resolution without affecting the UI/HUD.
• Adaptive Scaling: Ability to automatically adjust the render resolution, based on a target frame rate.
• Per Axis Scaling: Ability to scale the resolution on each axis independently.
• High-Res Screenshots: Take screenshots at higher resolution than your screen (also with super sampling).
For technical support contact us at:
madgoatstudio(at)gmail(dot)com or via our
Discord Server
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MadGoat SSAA&Resolution Scaleは、Unity3Dプロジェクトに最高のアンチエイリアステクニックの1つをもたらします。ゲーム、VRアプリケーション、archvizプレゼンテーションなど、ワンクリックで素晴らしい画質を実現できます。
新着! HDRPとLWRP 2019.1+をサポート!
•HDRPおよびLWRPのサポート:バージョン2.0.0は、Unity 2019.1以降でスクリプト可能なレンダーパイプラインの完全サポートを導入しました!
•解像度スケーリング:多くのAAAタイトルの設定メニューに見られるように、解像度をパーセントでスケーリングする機能。これにより、ユーザーはUI / HUDに影響を与えることなくレンダリング解像度を変更できます。