Compatibility based on Low Poly Shooter Pack compatibility.It can auto-convert.This addon for MMFPSE integrates Infima Games' "Low Poly Shooter Pack".All weapons from the pack including attachments and the character have been integrated.Purchasing this, MMFPSE and Low Poly Shooter Pack is required for this to function.PLEASE NOTE:Import this asset BEFORE you import Low Poly Shooter Pack to read the instructions on what you need to import from the Low Poly Shooter pack!Does not include any additional assets that might be missing from the original asset packMore weapon packs will be integrated in the future for $1 per integrated weapon (asset store rate = if the integration is sold on the asset store). If you want custom integrations or suggest assets that should be integrated (starting at $10 per weapon depending on complexity), come to our Discord!Requires at least MMFPSE