Advanced Water Floating and Sinking Physic System
Corvostudio di Amadei Marco
Jump AssetStore
Physic for Object like boats that make them floating or slowly sinking on the water.
This component allow you to manage object physics over your personal water and/or lake, pools...
You can make your object start floating at a certain water height or in a certain zone (like pools, lake ecc.), or slowly sink under it.
You can Manage:
-Water Height (standard at 0)
-Center of the water physic on the object
-Length and Width of the object/boat
-Friction of the water
-wave movement simulation
-Floating/sinking speed and energy
New features:
-You can now set up water pool areas for floating at different heights.
-Set up boats size is now easier.
-Now package include a demo version of Water Ocean Shader Optimized.
Script is totally integrated with Rigidbody.
Component and extremly optimized.
Works independly from the water that you are using, because it works under certain Global Position height (customizable).