Swap palettes, no limitations!
Do you like retro techniques but don't want to be affected by their limitations? With our Palette tools, color limitations are a thing of the past!
You can swap palettes to create different characters, alternate costumes, change moods in a scene or even fake movement this asset will allow you to do so without the hassle.
Version 2 includes:
- Palette Cycling
- Palette Lerping
- Palette Contrast
- Live Palettes
- Reworked code to allow creation of extensions!
Ease of use
Just drag and drop our script and your textures in any object you would like to swap it's color palette.
What about the UI?
UI shaders are included! Drop the same script as with normal sprite objects. We handle the rest!
Multi channel sampling
Choose between one or multiple channel sampling of your color separated palettes. Giving you the ability to go from simple 256 color palettes to over 65k+
Create LUTs
Don't need to change palettes at runtime? With our tool you can create LUTs to use directly on the shader! Simple drag and drop use.
Don't have a Color Separated Palette?
Can't find your artist to make you the initial color separated palette? No problem! Sample any texture to create a new base palette with our Sample Texture tool!
Palette Maker
Create palettes right inside Unity. Either start from scratch or sample an already existing palette
Live Palletes
Sample a color and simply replace it!
Palette Cycle & Lerping
Increment colors on a palette, perfect for waves and old style graphics OR simply lerp between palettes. Check the use case videos
All combinations
we've included all possible combinations of sampling colors. Simply choose the method you indexed your sprites!
Fully Documented code & Extensive Manual
Also made it easier to extend this with your own tools!