A collection of assets to build a sewer environment.
✓ 23 Unique Prefabs
✓ Demo Scene With Fully Baked GI
This package includes:
- Sewer Pipes
*Adapter To Access Tunnels
- Access Tunnels
*Exit Ladder
- Wall Mounted Pipes
*Curve Small
- Door (Keyhole / No Keyhole)
- Door Frame
- Industrial Wall Light
- Iron Bars
- Steel Bridge
-Inflow Pipe (Big / Small)
Each prefab has a PBR material with an albedo, metallic-smoothness, and normal map.
Some prefabs also have a baked AO map.
The industrial wall light additionally has an emission texture.
A number of prefabs also have a detail normal / albedo map. (4 detail textures)
Texture Size: 512² - 4096² (almost all textures are in 4k)