********WelcomeDiscordChannel********************Website & Support***************************Facebook****************************OakForest_DemoPC UPD1.2***********************OakForest_DemoPC************This package contains a set of 43 highly detailed prefabs: trees, bushes, grass and flowers.High-resolution SCREENSHOTSWith its help you can create beautiful Oak Forest Environments.Vegetation textures (4K,some 2K-1K)diffuse,gloss,normal,translucency.This package contains:HQ Models Vegetation:-5 Oak Trees-1 Bush-5 Plant Bush-1 OakForestStump-3 Grass Flowers Textures-3 Ground Textures-1 Demo Scene Game Ready 1X1km-1 Post-processing profile:OakForestHQVegetation:-12 OakForestTrees-16 Bushes-3 GrassDetail-6 Ground Textures-4 Grass Flowers Textures-2 Demo Scenes Game Ready 2X2km-1 Post-processing profileWarning: Out of the box, Not compatible with SRP (HDRP,URP)For the demoscene to work correctly, import assets into the project:Standard Assetsrecommend importing into a new project3D With Extras (Preview)Check out my other assets:Lake Coniferous - EnvironmentNature Package - Coniferous EnvironmentNature Package - Swamp,Forest EnvironmentNature Package - Forest EnvironmentEuropean Vegetation Pack OneEuropean Vegetation Pack TwoRustic EnvironmentExterior&Interior,Props PackOld Interior Props PackRealistic Grass Flowers PackBirch Forest EnvironmentSpruce Trees Pack2in1 Birch,Spruce PackPBR Grass Flowers PackPBR Terrain TexturesPBR Bricks MaterialsСountry HouseFarm Models Pack