Planet Generator Shader is UV-independent shader that uses real physical planet parameters, such as atmosphere density and temperature to create realistic looking planets in real time.
This shader uses a Normal maps and 4 grayscale input textures:
•Cities map
•Fertility map
Those maps are then randomized depending on random seed.
You can use your own textures as inputs, as long as they are tileable, or you can generate them with included Generator Substance.
This shader is compatible with Shader Forge, so it should be easy for you to adjust it for your specific needs. Whatever they may be.
You can also use
Planetary Atmospheric Scattering by Christopher Silvas if you want more realistic volumetric atmosphere.
•Realtime generation
•Realtime physical parameters changes
•Animated clouds
•Fast volumetric atmosphere
•Generator substance for all maps
•Free space skybox generator substance!
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