2 Turbans
Two different turbans for your characters to wear. The function of these hats are purely aesthetic in
design. Whatever kind of project you are creating these hats can be easily attached to any character
in your scene. Obviously intended for Islamic or Middle Eastern scenes these hats could be used in a
wide range of other scenarios.
* False Turban = 19083 (62.3k) verts / 36354 (110.7k) tris
* Turban = 13890 (46.7k) verts / 26562 (81.4k) tris
* The False Turban mesh has 13 submeshes (UV, texture mapped)
* The Turban mesh has 7 submeshes (UV, texture mapped)
* The False Turban has 13 materials using the standard Unity shader
* The Turban has 7 materials using the standard Unity shader
Future Plans
I plan on optimizing the meshes and materials in future updates.
Special Thanks
- Morro Motion
- Unify Community Wiki