This huge pack contains three post-apocalyptic haulage trucks, three sets of upgrades for each and additional three cargos plus driver(not animated)
Upgrades include:
3 types of main armor
3 types of armor for the windows
3 types of bumpers
3 types of deadly blades for the wheels;
First truck (blue) 4.1k poly; 4.3k vert; - only car and 10k p. 11.4 v. - car and all armor
Sec. truck (green) 6k p. 6.7k v. - only car and 11k p. 13k v. - car and all armor
Third truck (orange) 4k p. 4.5k v. - only car and 9k p. 10.8 v. - car and all armor
Plus driver (not animated) 2.6k p. 2.9k v.
Textures mostly 1024x1024, big parts have 2048x2048.(diffuse, no normal maps etc.). Anyhow, package contains UVW sheets and my .psd (photoshop) files, so you can change textures as you like.