An very good sample scene to learn or practice interior lighting for all pipelines and both baked and realtime GI lighting and graphics- Works on all pipelinesWorks well on Unity 2020 to Unity 2021 ,2022, 2023 and all LTS versionsDefault is for HDRP, you can download built-in version from doc folderIn this package you have an complete interior model with high resolution lightmap model to practice and learn how to :- Setup unity IBL (image based) lighting- Using area lights- Setup Post Processing Stack- Using reflection probes- Creating PBR surfacesWatch my youtube channel to learn about unity lighting solutions:Tutorial playlistYoutube Channel You can buy the full version:=> High resolution textures=> wind shader=> More than 10 tree models per packSee our other products :Lighting ToolsMobile Tree BundleURP Tree BundleComplete Games BundleHDRP,Built-in and urp are supported