This package includes two PBR animated characters: Battle Master Dwarf and Battle Boar.
The Battle Dwarf model has 20 animations included:
-Spinning attack;
-Combat Idle;
-Defends 1;
-Defends 2;
-Idle Armed;
- Ride boar idle unarmed;
- Ride boar idle draws weapon;
- Ride boar idle sheath weapon;
- Ride boar idle armed;
- Ride boar full throttle;
- Ride boar full throttle armed;
- Ride boar walk;
- Ride boar walk armed;
The Battle Boar has 3 animations:
- Idle;
- Throttle;
- Walk;
The package also includes 3 PBR weapons: two-handed-axe, war Hammer and helmet. Other items included are boar's armor and its attachments: an orc's head, rolled blanket and mini barrel.
Emission maps are provided for the main assets: glow of the weapons and armors can be adjusted using the standard shader parameters.
All main assets include ambient occlusion maps.
Master Dwarf: |verts: 12k | faces: 16k | tris:25k|
Battle Boar: | verts: 9k | faces: 8k| tris 18k|