AR Places Plugin is especially designed for mobile platforms Android and iOS.
[About Plugin]
Change the way you search places nearby you, Explore the world around you in AR now!
Buy this plugin to integrate in your AR application & get navigation assistance using compass from your location.
[Android APK to test]
Android apk Link
Google Place Api.
- Now, Navigate upto 30+ different type of places from your location
- Can navigate by icons or list
- User can search upto 50 Km area around desired location.
- User can also view images along with description of place by clicking on respective icon.
- Dependencies of Select Limited search types remove.
- User can easily add fake location in unity inspector and test on unity editor.
- Now user can search not only according to his current location but with new address also.
- By single press user can easily come back to current location and search again.
- Uses Compass for navigation.
- Real Time Interaction
- Uses Vuforia AR Camera.
- Efficient structured code in C#.
- Well Structured Classes and Commented Code.
- Readily available places in Plugin Restaurant, Bars, Hospitals, Fuel stations and School.
-Change Distance & Category
Learn More about this Plugin
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Unity Forum
Supported Platforms: OS X,IOS,Android.