A collection of vr interaction for building a great VR Experience. Works with Cardboard and GearVr.
Note: if you want a previous unity version project, contact us.
Android Demos
Android Apk (version 0.2)
Android Apk (version 0.3)
⦁ Play Animations
⦁ Apply Physics
⦁ Change Textures and Materials
⦁ Move Objects to Places
⦁ Outline Objects
⦁ Teleport
⦁ UI Interaction
⦁ Just a few well coded scripts;
⦁ Easily change the scripts;
⦁ Scalable project;
⦁ C# coded;
⦁ Fully integrated with Unity 5 or above, including Unity 5.6;
This asset needs the
GoogleVr SDK if developing for google vr or Vr Samples if Gear VR is the target platform. See the documentation for a better integration.