■ Description
Overseer is a simple and useful scene management tool. This package allows you to easily create and organize the main structure of your game, it takes care of the basics like scenes loading, transitions (fade in/out), loading screens, background audio, introductory splash screens and credits.
Overseer uses the concept of elements, each one consist of:
- Tag.
- Cursor settings.
- Scenes.
- Loading Canvas.
- Audio (loop, volume and clip).
- Duration (fixed or not , duration).
- FadeIn/Out (enable/disable, duration and gradient curve).
■ Who is it for?
Anyone, no programming skills are required, drag and drop components/references, all the features are integrated in one Editor window.
■ Features
* Editor Do everything in one simple and intuitive window.
* Scenes Add to an element as many scenes as you want (choose the active scene).
* Reorderable List for the elements Quickly drag and reorder the elements of your game.
* Basic Cursor Settings per element.
* Fade In/Out Use a global/individual fade in/out for each element (based on Color Gradient curves)
* Duration You can assign the element a given fixed duration, this becomes useful for introductory splash screens.
* Audio Select an Audio clip to play, the volume will follow the fade transitions.
* Loading Screen Canvas Use your custom UI canvas to create the loading screen. Overseer supports Animation(Legacy), fillAmount (from the Image component) and Text.
* Credits Import your txt file (with the credits info in it) and convert it into a Unity's Text string.