This pack offer 8 Sci-Fi elements that are great to decorate environment Sci-Fi. Two elements (Boxes and Cylinder Tank) are modular, so can create a several variations. Also, has a powerful PBR material that allow to create a several variation of colors.
This pack is ideal for Sci-Fi environments and is very flexible, has these features:
1. Two (2) boxes, square and rectangular, this boxes are modular, we provide 6 mesh to decorate the center of the boxes, you can reach +48 combinations. Ideal to create and decorate First shooter and 3rd-Person games.
2. Two (2) Cylinder Tank modular, can create several variations.
3. Two (2) Suitcase to decorate environments.
4. Two (2) Hand trucks, can be combine with other elements to create a nice decoration environments.
5. Most of the texture are 2K, but some texture was downgrade for optimization purpose. Those values can be change in the texture settings.
6. Some assets emit light in some part of the mesh.
7. The package has a PBR material that allow to you create a several combinations of colors in the same asset.
NOTE: the suitcases don't open, are design to be closed only for decoration purpose. The suitcases and the hand trucks are not modular.