The package contains protocol for detecting lines in an image or a video stream utilizing Hough Line Transform.
The core operations are fully performed utilizing compute shaders, which provides incredible performance boost compared to CPU methods.
The whole process, starting from texture copy to drawing detected lines takes less than 1ms on standard machines (may vary for mobile platform).
The package is still in alpha version, but is already fully usable.Future work will focus on optimization to even further increase performance, and on possible requests.
The package contains sever independent compute shaders, hence the protocol can be fine-tuned to specific purposes.
It currently contains following compute shaders:
•Auxiliary shader (texture conversion, clearing buffers etc.)
•Gaussian blur (blurs data buffers)
•Canny Edge Detection (edge detection)
•Zhang-Suen line thinning (line thinning)
•Hough Line Transform (line detection)
If you have any questions or suggestions do not hesitate to contact me.