You will get 40 unique badges and 58 ''modular'' pieces to build your own badges. Most of the modular pieces are parts of the unique badges broken up plus some unique pieces.
Technical Details
19 United States Badges
6 German Badges
5 Soviet Union Badges
10 Custom Badges
58 Modular Pieces
Polycount: Range from 1k to 6k per badge.
Textures: Each badge and each modular piece have 1 texture set of 2k textures. Each texture set contains 1 Albedo, 1 MAOS (Metallic, Ambient Occlusion, Smoothness), 1 Normal Map.
Masks: Each badge and each modular piece have one 2k mask (PNG) to assist on changing the color.
Lightmaps: No.
Collision: Auto generated.
LODs: No.
The key images were rendered in Marmoset Toolbag with ACES tone mapping and sharpen.