Supports Oculus Go, Gear VR, and the Gear VR motion controller!
Easy Input for Gear VR and Oculus Go makes supporting input for the Gear VR and the gear VR Controller a breeze. Whether you want support for the headset, Bluetooth controllers or the brand new motion controller, everything that is unique about the platform is accessible in one easy to use API. Many common tasks even expose high level components to attach to your objects so you don't need to write a single line of code. The versatility is left in though so if you do want to write custom code it is easy to do so.
* Gear VR headset support
* Gear VR controller support
* Oculus Go support
* Gamepad support
* Prebuilt controls so no coding required
* Grabbing, moving, etc. made easy
* Emulated in editor for quick prototypes
* Motion support
* Laser Pointer support
* 8 example scenes
* Easy callbacks to do anything custom
Enjoy our all-in-one asset for Gear VR and don't forget to drop by our forum thread if you want to request any additional controls.