ProTex allows you to create and use procedural textures in Unity. Create your own textures using the visual node editor and apply them to your materials during runtime. You can also save them as normal textures in the Unity Editor to be used however you want.
Unlike normal textures, procedural textures take very little disk space to store (typically less than 20Kb), but they can be used to generate textures of up to 2048x2048 during runtime. All generated textures are guaranteed to be seamless, meaning that they can be placed side-by-side without creating a noticeable boundary.
Compose your textures using the ProTex Editor and the different types of nodes at your disposal:
- Noise generation: FBM, Turbulence, Ridged, Cellular and Random.
- Filters: Blur, Sharpen, High Pass, Low Pass, Grayscale, Invert.
- Math operations: Blend, Interpolate, Add, Subtract, Multiply, etc.
- Transformations: Rotate, Repeat, Offset, etc.
- Shape generation: Circle, Triangle, Rectangle, Pentagon, etc.
Each procedural texture can generate six different output textures (color, normal, height, metallic, occlusion and emission), and you can easily apply them to the Unity default materials using the ProTexMaterialBinder.
Nodes are implemented using compute shaders to reduce the generation time. If your computer does not support compute shaders, the software implementation will be used (but take into account that generation times will be increased).
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