With the I/O Coin package for Unity 3D you get the power of a stable, reliable and working blockchain in your games.
The I/O Coin package for Unity 3D is suitable for Windows and OSX games.
I/O coin is launched in 2014 and still in development by a group of experts on blockchain security and cryptocurrency. IOC had a fair launch, which means that there was no Initial Public Coin Offering (IPCO), giveaway, or pre-mining done for IOC. Thus, the coin distribution for I/O Coin is much more transparent and fair than many other altcoins. This means there is no danger of the developer, or any single user, secretly hoarding a significant number of coins.
Key features of the I/O Coin blockchain:
• Decentralised Input Output Name Server (DIONS)
• Intuitive and innovative wallet
• File Storage and Transfer
• Decentralised and encrypted Messaging Platform
• Decentralised Aliases
• Stealth Addresses
Import this plugin in your Unity project. Check Importing Asset packages from the Unity 3D docs for instructions. Before you can use this install the following FREE dependencies with it:
I/O Coin Wallet
Available on the official I/O Coin website
You need a local I/O Coin wallet, with some balance, installed on your computer. Follow the installation guide on the website.
Thread Ninja - Multithread Coroutine
Available in the Unity Asset Store
A simple script helps you write multithread coroutines. Import this in your project.
SimpleJSON is an easy to use JSON parser and builder. Download and unpack in your '\UnityProject\Assets' folder.
After installing the dependencies, the plugin is ready for use. There is a demo scene to show the workings and how to use some of the functions that are available.
Instructions and demo game online https://www.switchingbrains.com/iocoin-game-wallet-installation/ or in the PDF provided in the package.