With Ocean Game, you get the ultimate collection of underwater game sound and audio creativity. Tell your underwater story and explore a lush water world of awe!Tell your underwater story and explore a lush water world of awe, sound and wonder with one of our most exciting sound packs yet. Welcome in, “Ocean Game” a mobile and platform video game sound effects power pack geared towards ocean exploration, adventure, and inspired by major league games. Inside you’ll get an immersive and beautiful selection of scintillating underwater game audio assets like water currents, movements, hi-tech equipment, collects and notification sounds, balanced user interface and UX menu sounds, ambience loops, sea material and items, weapons & more!Ocean Game is an underwater universe, with more than 540 compelling designed and engineered sounds. With this hand picked collection of unique and battle tested audio assets, you’ll be the sea god of your gaming domain and fully empowered to create audio experiences that inspire epic gameplay at the next level!You May Also Be Interested In:Evolved Game Creatures- Monster SoundsCreepy Game SFXRetro GameSci-Fi World SwarmAs sound designers ourselves, we understand the needs and demands required to orchestrate the right sound. That’s why we put together Ocean Game Adventure Sound Effects Library, to meet the needs of our fellow game developers and freelance sound designers at any level and deliver an unbeatable curated assortment and value.With Ocean Game, you get the ultimate collection of underwater game sound and audio creativity. All sounds are designed to make your audio life easier and faster with market leading quality and versatility. Every asset is perfect for video games, animations, motion graphics, apps, videos, film and TV. Ocean Game sound effects library is also great for rapid prototyping to final in-game and production sound design. You’ll instantly be presented with a professional high quality sound palette and the results to get your project done quickly, on time and out the door!All of the designed recordings are delivered in 44.1k 16Bit .WAV file format. That’s the quality you need to maintain a top-notch level of clarity and expression when sound editing, pitch shifting, and effects processing.Ready to master the Atlantis?Product Details:1.87 GB of audio samples540+ mixed and mastered sound effectsAll in 44.1k/16bit .wav filesInspired by the top water games like ABZU and Last TideDesigned game audio assetsThe go to sound pack for game developers Perfect for games in and around water.Underwater Adventure Game Sound Effects Library48 minutes of underwater game audio experiences24 achievements - level & power ups, discover hidden treasure, gains, game overs, unlocks, & more46 ambience loops and sounds like underwater rumble, cave, sea floor, lava, sunken city, bubbles 13 breaks & shatters - coral, eggs, crate, metal tank, organic big and small hits28 item collects, coins, crystals, divers gear, liquid, hazardous waste, minerals, seaweed, shellfish & more69 creature vocalizations, big, small, hits, movements, whale calls & more23 aquatic formations and plant growth like shells, spirits, coral builds, mechanical, water, air pockets62 polished mechanisms - activate, buttons, engines, hi-tech sea sequences, robotics, turn on, system failure40 warm water movements - air bubbles, ascending, lava bubbles, deep water current, resurface, splash, submerge & more69 ocean game notifications - alarms, aquatic feedback, bubbly, digital, organic, hi-tech, short, metallic53 designed user interface buttons, clicks, hi-tech chirps, holographic sea gear beeps, errors, select item115 weapons & sweeteners - booms, glitches, electricity bursts & malfunctions, laser, underwater launcher, combat knifes, ink grenade, grappling hook & moreAll files are game-ready, mastered and optimized in length, size to reduce game distributions and space.All Royalty-FreeRTU-OTB (ready to use out of the box)