Find In Scenes
Find any object, component or script in your current scene, or across all scenes in your project.
Type in your search and select the arrow to the right of the search bar for filters and preferences to refine your results.
- Search by Obejcts and Components
- Search by Objects Only, Components Only, By Tag or By Layer
- View your search history
- Modify the active state of components and objects found from a search
- Modify the tag and layer of objects found from a search
- Highlight the object in the hierarchy
Switch Scenes
Search for scenes in your project, and more quickly and easily switch between them, without navigating through folders.
Similar to the search tool, the scene switcher also has options to the right of the search bar.
- Search by all or part of scene name
- Search by all or part of scene path
- View your search history
- Modify the scenes in Build Settings, allowing you to add/remove scenes, and toggle added scenes
- Locate scenes, highlighting them in the Project window
- Displays the build index of active scenes in the project, reflective of Build Settings
- Option to switch focus back to the Inspector window, after changing scenes
- Organized by folder, which can be collapsed
Find Missing Components
From the top navigation bar, you can search for objects in your scene that have any "Missing Component" on them
This is useful when upgrading, deleting or moving assets, plugins or your project, a script rename problem or a metadata disconnect, causes Unity to not recognize or find a component/script on an object. You can track those down now!