Animated Fantasy Flags Pack is simple to use pack of vertex animated assets.
You will get 4 quality fantasy themed animated flags with flagpoles that you can use in your game. This set is perfect for any game genre where flags or banners required,whether it's a role-playing, strategic action or card game. Also, this set is suitable for use in mobile games.
Animation are highly detailed and seamlessly looping.Assets are easy to use - just drag and drop prefabs into scene and hit play.
Works on mobile devices.No cpu heavy cloth physics or skin calculations.
Supports Standard (Built in) render pipeline
The package contains:
1-sided and 2-sided versions of flags
12 separate fbx models
13 prefabs with colliders
14 textures
14 materials
1 particle system
1 scene with all prefabs
Flags textures are easily customizable. UV stamps provided for easy precise texturing in your favorite 2d software.