Creatures of the Night: VAMPIRES [Pixel Art] Min Lii $9.99 $14.99 33%OFF (no ratings) 2D Jump AssetStore このアセットの説明 Entire Collection!: Creatures of the Night: VAMPIRES! Pack with 4 different 2D animated characters (above ~200frames): ANIMATIONS -Stand -Run -Jump -Falling -Attack 1 -Attack 2 -Attack 3 -3 Projectiles -Defense -Death TECHNICAL INFOS Resolution (each frame): 56 x 80px Metric range: 16px Character: ~3 quads 16px (30 x 45px) =============================== LAYERS - character - projectil - shadow - reference In the PSD: - extra colors (change color) - shadow (you can export together with the player) - layout / reference, indication for loops ===========================================