NetConsole is produced for printing logs from mobile device to your computer Unity Editor. It is very useful for debugging applications on devices and could be a replacement logging framework for Unity.
We all know that publishing a game package to the device from Unity Editor is time consuming. NetConsole can also help you to reduce the number of publishing when you are debugging on devices.
In NetConsole, you can send command to your game in the device. It could be used to call functions in the game, modify properties' value, and even send scripts to the device and hot reload them.
How to use?
1 Via Wifi
1.1 Start the game (In the Editor or Device).
1.2 Open NetConsole window by the menu [Tools->NetConsole].
1.3 Set the device IP (If run game in the Editor, use IP
1.4 Click the "Start Connect" button to connect the game.
2 Via adb (Android Only)
2.1 Run the command "adb forward tcp:8010 tcp:8010" in the shell.
2.2 Start the game on the device.
2.3 Open NetConsole window by menu [Tools->NetConsole].
2.4 Click the "Start Connect" button to connect the game (Use IP
Editor ListView: https://github.com/akof1314/UnityEditorListView