Martian stationMartian station assets includeResidential ModulesCorridor, corridor with windows, enclosed landing module, landing module with a lowered ladder, transitional landing module, food cultivation module, flight control station, recreation module, observation module, laboratory module. (all but the transition module without windows are presented in three colors)CarsA vehicle for transporting a druse, a vehicle for transporting personnel, a vehicle without a transportation unit, a rover, an unmanned truck, a cargo starship, a starship for transporting personnel. (all presented in three colors)SceneryAir cylinder, trolley of air cylinders, water tank, wind station, solar cell, solar panel with four, eight and twenty four solar panels, control panel, control panel, computer, searchlight, folded searchlight, antenna, folded antenna.the total number of polygons in the project is 49890. In addition, textures were used for 4 images of 512x512, the number of materials is 3