Oil producing assets
The composition of oil-producing assets include:
Wells are wells for maintaining reservoir pressure, water wells, producing wells, wells that are in conservation, destroyed wells, wells equipped with a deep scraper, wells equipped with a rocker.
Bush facilities - well control station, control station transformer, common transformer, water distribution unit (comb block), automated group metering unit (AGMI), drainage tank, well trays, water distribution unit, oil distribution unit.
Machines - a vehicle for transporting personnel, a machine with a vacuum barrel, a welding machine, a machine for transporting heavy loads (pipes, valves), a truck, a mobile steam installation, a truck with a residential carriage, a truck without a trailer.
Scenery - hand tools for repair (adjustable wrench, ordinary wrench, hammer, punch key), tool bag, gate valve, tee, bio-toilet, oil barrel, sea container, access balcony, pipe, barn with drilling mud, oil spill.