Are you looking to build your own quiz app with REST methods and using JSON parsing in unity but you don't know where to start?
Or maybe just a template project that uses unity HTTP callbacks and json parsing for your quiz game?
You don't need another offline trivia-quiz project?.
Here is the “Open Quiz” for you.
Open Quiz is a unity project that is powered with Open Trivia database API. It works on any platform, you can start to use directly this quiz pack.
Check out Open Quiz in the browser!
* Detailed documentation
* Using UnityNetwork
* Using ScriptableObjects to store data
* Has Open Trivia DB Implementation with free to use OpenTDB API
* Different Categories
* True-False, Multiple or Mixed
* Sound Effects
* User-Friendly Fonts and Graphics
*Beatiful and fluid UI Animations
* Does not requires any third party plugin or package
** UI is UGUI and is optimized for portrait screens.
This asset uses Open Trivia DB API under CC BT-SA 4.0; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.
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