Crash Scene | Legacy (Latest release in Unity Technologies Account)
Unity Education
Jump AssetStore
Newest release is found here with compatibility for Unity 2021.3Unity Certified User is suited for high school students; the course and associated assets will help students learn to code using Unity and C# to get started in interactive content creation for a wide range of industries.The Crash project is part of the Unity User Courseware and was created to learn the basics of cinematics creation using Timeline and Cinemachine.This asset package contains a 3D world students can use to start creating beautiful cinematic sequences.This package contains:3D Assets• Bench• Building_01• Building_02• Fence2x4• FencePost• Grass• House_01• House_02• PoliceCar• RegCar• RegCar1• Road• SideWalk• StreetLamp• TrashCan• Tree_01• Tree_02• TruckMaterials• Building• Building01• Building02• Building03• Car01• Car02• Car03• Glass03• Glass04• Glass05• GlassColor03• GlassColor04• GlassColor05• GlassColor06• Grass• House• House02• HouseColor• Lambert01• Objects• Phong15• PoliceCar• Road• Road02• Road03• Tree• Truck• Truck02Prefabs• TrashCanScenes• CrashTextures• Building• Car01• Car02• Car03• Grass• House• House02• Objects• PoliceCar• Road• Road02• Road03• Tree• Truck• Truck02