Welcome to the Stylized Forest Package!
This package contains many different features to help bring your stylized forest to life!
- Shaders designed specifically for stylized forest assets, bringing forth high performance!
- Tree shaders have wind values to allow them to bring more life to them!
- 3 different packs of trees: Deciduous, Spruce, and Pine!
- 17 different trees and 9 different bushes allow for a lot of variety!
- Each tree has four different LOD models that are smartly made to minimize pop in!
- Bushes have a lower quality LOD that fades in subtly!
- Textures have been designed to allow multiple different color varieties. Make trees with purple leaves and green bark if you'd like!
- Small additions such as rock models and textures, as well as an simple animated cloud shader!
- 3 different demo scenes displaying the trees!
Get it today!