Auctioneer is an universal Auction House solution for Unity.
It is builded to make you developers implement an Auction House System very quick and with all the amount of customizations you may want to add in your game.
It utilizes the newest UnityWebRequest, a MySQL database and secured PHP scripts for exchanging data from the Application to the Database and back.
It is well organized with ScriptableObjects for the Items and it uses AssetBundles to load them in the best way.
Demo, C# and PHP code included!
* Login/Registration System
* Items Browse (with/without search filters)
* Bid items
* Buyout items
* Inventory System
* Insert Items as auctions from your inventory
* Visualize your current bids
* Mails System
* Get a mail (in-game) if someone offers more than you for an item that you were bidding
* Get a mail (in-game) with the item attached ready to get added to your inventory if you win/buyout an auction
* Get a mail (in-game) with the money you've requested for an item that you sold when someone buy it
* Auctions Expire System, after a selected amount of time auctions automatically expires, sending the item to the last user who bidded or returning it to the owner if nobody bidded it. the expiration check and the events that should occur after that the auction expires will be totally automated. It can be managed by cronjobs on a Web Server or by an extreme lightweight C# application that can run on Windows server or Linux (through Mono).
The C# application is totally automated and only requires the user to start it the first time.
(All the source included)
* Platform Independent
- Tested on: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, IOS, WebGL and UWP.
* Heavily Documented
For every doubts, thoughts, info etc please send me an email at: You will be surely answered in less than 24hrs!