This is a High Poly 3D Model of a t Cartoon Rat with meshes optimized to a Low Poly version:
•Cartoon Rat - HP 10454 tris;
•Cartoon Rat - LP 5192 tris;
•Cartoon Rat - SLP 2016 tris.
Model has 39 Bones.
•Rapier - HP 668 tris.
•Rapier - LP 52 tris.
•Rapier - LP 24 tris.
•Cartoon Ratt - albedo, Roughness Textures, Normal, Ambient Oclusion Maps. Rapier Albedo, 1 Rapier Normal Map, 1 Rapier Ambient Oclusion, 1 Rapier MetallicSmoothness (all 4k).
Model has 17 UNIQE Animations (InPlace & RootMotion). The Unity Project contains TWO[2] FBX Files, one with 'In Place' animations and second with 'Root Motion' animations, which are GREAT ASSET to this Model:
0000-0001 Bind Pose
0002-0024 loop Walk
0027-0115 loop Walk Creeping
0118-0143 loop Walk Back
0146-0160 loop Run
0163-0222 loop Idle Seating
0253-0250 loop Boxing
0253-0273 loop Fight Idle Boxing
0276-0296 loop Boxing 01
0299-0330 loop Attack Sword
0333-0364 loop Attack Leg
0367-0393 loop Strafe Left
0396-0423 loop Strafe Right
0426-0467 loop Fight Idle
0470-0639 loop Idle
0702-0725 loop J