A set of fully functional dices, all game ready.
Features :
- 6 low-poly meshes (ranging from 22 to 216 polys)
-4 high quality textures each. All textures are 1k, PBR (metallic roughness).
-Use of Unity's physics to bounce around and collide with their environment.
-An event is triggered as soon as the dice stops rolling to return the value of the side facing up.
-They make a sound every time they collide.
4-sided dice
6-sided dice
8-sided dice
10-sided dice
12-sided dice
20-sided dice
100-sided dice (a combinaison of 2, 10-sided dices)
Every dice comes with 4 materials, which are Gold, Marble, Wood and SciFi
(They're all PBR, with an albedo, metallic and normal channel)
Gold and Wood have customizable color. In the material editor, just change the Albedo color.
The Scifi material has an emmisive channel, so even in a low-light environnement, the numbers are easy to read. And the color of the emmited light is also customizable, by changing the emmission color in the material inspector.