A set of low poly models with vertex colors.
The package includes 5 different drinks which are created in a modular style so use what you need remove what you don't.
A table and window are also included. Examples of standard and unlit lighting models are included but you can use your own shaders if desired.
These assets are great for a mobile project as there are no textures used.
StandardLightingVertexColor - Standard lighting model with vertex color support
UnlitVertexColor - Unlit with vertex color support
RimLightTransparent - Transparent with rim lighting, useful for glassy or icy surfaces
DemoLit - Displays assets using the standard lighting model
DemoUnlit - Displays assets using an unlit lighting model
Cappuccino: 628
Espresso Glass: 240
Espresso Drink: 176
Iced Coffee Glass: 304
Iced Coffee Drink: 80
Ice Cube Topping: 572
Straw: 110
Macchiato Glass: 296
Macchiato Drink: 144
Macchiato Caramel Topping: 398
Plate: 480
Spoon: 224
Table: 976
Tea Mug: 320
Tea Head: 466
Tea Bag: 244
Window Frame: 176
Window Glass: 28
Window Grill: 400