Welcome to TDS Studios,
we are Creating 3D Environment and Characters beside some small Games!
This Pack Features:
12 Different Outstanding Buildings
- Houses , Houses with Windows(you can Add Seperatly Doors), Animal Cages
146 Different Environment proposes
- Fences, Logs, Beds, Chairs, Tables, Fireplaces, Chest, Torches, Crates, Barrels, Books and more.
The UV Maps for the Models are High Res, 4kx4k and 8kx8k
This Pack Contains 3th Party Free Content
Visit Nobiax / Yughues Asset Store incredible beautiful Stuff!
also the very helpful Unity Standard Asset Pack is Included (Not all of it obv.)
If you Like the Gaia Environment just go ahead and buy it, its definitely worth it!
Please rate and comment our work. Let us know if something is wrong or needs to be improved