an excellent pack to make your RPG game or platform the same theme. The package includes a character wizard with 12 animations and possibility to change weapon;1 - idle: 7 frames2 - wait: 32 frames3 - attack: 10 frames4 - attack2: 9 frames5 - walk: 10 frames6 - run: 8 frames7 - hit: 4 frames8 - crouch: 4 frames9 - walkcrouch: 6 frames10 - attackcrouch: 10 frames11 - jump: 9 frames12 - death: 7 frames
Also contains 3 nice staffs; a parallax background with two layers and 3 environments;
2 enemies goblins, with dagger and bow;
2 colors of an excellent tileset for your level design;
And 4 amazing skills animations.1 - explosion: 6 frames2 - fireball: 5 frames3 - firecharge: 10 frames4 - thunderbolt: 4 frames.