Selection of immersive downers and powerful dramatic sub falls featuring slow-motion bass, low-frequency drops, futuristic glitches, and epic cinematic booms.
Useful to emphasize elements in a cartoon, cartoons, commercials, corporate commercial, explainer video, flat design video, game, games, infographic video, inspirational video, jingles, motivational video, movie, movies, musical compositions, radio, title on presentations, titles on presentations, trailers, uplifting video, websites, youtube videos.
This original library is from the personal collection of trailer music composer Federico Soler Fernández (“Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets” – “Middle Earth: Shadow of War” – “Halloween – 2018” – “The Predator 2018”)
Number of Files: 115 High-Quality WAVS (00:09:57)
Size Unpacked: 328 MB
Sample Rate: 96kHz/24bit
Other Info: Meta-Tagged