Simplest Native Dialogs (SND)
Main native dialogs in Android, Windows and WebGL
SND is allows you to access native methods to show native dialogs like alert and confirm from Android, Windows an WebGL
Toats is native on Android and emulated on Windows and WebGL
It's possible to test dialogs and toast direct from Editor! No need to compile to see the results
No setup need
No support for iOS, Mac and Linux yet
WebGL Demo
Main methods:
NativeDialog("", "Toasty!!!",TYPE_TOAST,LENGHT_LONG)
NativeDialog("SAM", "Do you known it?",TYPE_CONFIRM)
NativeDialog("SND", "SND is easy to use!",TYPE_ALERT)
- Super lightweight
- Developer friendly API
- All source code included
- Easy to implement
- Includes a working demo
- Not a single .jar file in project
Complex problems sometimes have the simplest solutions