Quantum Menus is an asset built for creation of menus to be easier. Many UI prefabs are included. Support exists for audio on click, or whenever the function is called. Additional support is included for saving settings (like volume) automatically. This asset is a better version of our previous one, Menu Template.
Asset/Package Dependencies - Instructions in documentation.
Text Mesh Pro
Feature List
Main Menu Prefab - A prefab of a main menu for a game, showcasing all of the UI prefabs.
UI Prefabs - QMMenu, QMWindow, QMTabGroup, QMTabWindow, QMBar, QMOptionList, Button, Icon Button, TMP_Dropdown, TMP_InputField, Panel, Slider, TextMeshProUGUI, and Toggle Components all have prefabs to use with the system.
Commented Code - Most code is commented on how it works, and how to use it.
Modifiable Code - The code is written to be easily added on to.
Window/TabGroup Animations - Premade animations for windows and tab groups can be found in the animations folder. Just change the animator component to use the Window Scale, Window Slide Bottom, Window Slide Left, Window Slide Right, or Window Slide Top animator controllers to change the animation.
Custom Inspectors - Custom Component inspectors were written for the QMMenu, QMWindow, QMTabGroup, and QMTab components to make them easier to use.
Website and full documentation for this asset is at Quantum Tek Hub.
Support for this asset is at Github.