WAV Maniacs present IDM Music Vol.1 - Audio Asset by myoss.IDM royalty free music contain 17 full mixed tracks and loop parts.
• WMIDM1_Born (115 D maj) -15.9 LUFS• WMIDM1_Cybersee (123 B min) -12.4 LUFS• WMIDM1_DigitalLove (150 A min) -13.9 LUFS• WMIDM1_DontCry (105 E min) -11.6 LUFS• WMIDM1_Forest (125 C min) -11.3 LUFS• WMIDM1_Interlude (140 G maj) -13.3 LUFS• WMIDM1_LateEvening (110 E min) -13.2 LUFS• WMIDM1_Light (110 D min) -14.6 LUFS• WMIDM1_Megapolis (100 A min) -12.5 LUFS• WMIDM1_MyHeart (115 D min) -13.3 LUFS• WMIDM1_RisingSun (130 G min) -13.6 LUFS• WMIDM1_Stille (125 F# min) -13.5 LUFS• WMIDM1_SunShape (100 E maj) -13.2 LUFS• WMIDM1_TheSun (130 B maj) -13.6 LUFS• WMIDM1_Times (110 D min) -13.8 LUFS• WMIDM1_Tortionnaire (117 D min) -10.7 LUFS• WMIDM1_WillStay (90 D min) -13.5 LUFS
• Stereo WAV Files• 16-bit / 44.100 kHz• Number of Audio Tracks: 197• Does music loop: Yes• Separated by stems: No• Minutes of audio provided: 2 h 11 min 48 sec• Works on all platforms