A simple and visual fix missing references in animation clips when you changed the name of the animated gameobject or removed a animanted child gameobject. User manual API reference Contact us to suggest new features or to request for support. 🎯 FEATURES • Fix easily missing animations (Missing!). Select an gameobject or prefab with an animator and fix animations.• Bulk replacer. Replace multiple strings inside the path of the animation or gameobjects at once.• Individual & Global replacer. Make replacements individually on each animation clip or on all animation clips in the animator.• Yellow Highlight. Yellow indicates animations with problems.🔮 COMPATIBILITY • Absolute Unity compatibility. Works on Unity 5.6 and higher versions. • All platform support. Mobile, virtual reality devices, desktop and console. 📘 DOCUMENTATION • Useful user manual and API reference. All code well comented. • Sample content. Example scripts and scenes and source code included. • Support contact. 📦 CONTENTS • 1 tool. • 1 demo scene. This asset is part of Chloroplast Games Framework (CGF).