Multi-wall materials were made in the substance designer. The multi-material package includes various settings that will help you create many variations of materials. Description and view settings will be shown in the video. Render and animation were done in the marmoset toolbag.
When you start the scene materials are in the resolution of 1024x1024. This is done for faster work on instances. You can always change the resolution of the materials you need. Remember, if you are going to switch to 4096x4096 resolution, this will take longer to respond.
To set up materials, I used a free plugin from the substance designer.
When changing the settings, some of them work in small values, but you will immediately understand when you start to take off work.
• Multi wall materials
• Materials instance
Texture Resolutions:
• 4096x4096
• 2048x2048
• 1024x1024
Number of Materials: 6 Multi materials
Do Materials derive from a Master Material with instances as variation: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: windows
Link to documentation: