Set of 7 high quality animated weapons + Full FPP Controller.Included in the package:• Weapons (including mobile versions):- Russian Assault Rifle- Light Machine Gun- Bullpup Automatic Shotgun Gun- Grenade Launcher- Bullpup Assault Rifle- Pistol- Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle• Demo scene• Textures size 2048x2048 including Diffuse, Normal and Specular maps• Sound effects such as: fire, reload, melee, zoom, dryfire etc.• Animation controllers and C# scripts.How to use it? It's simple. Just open Prefabs\CompletePlayerPrefab folder, and then drag and drop the Player prefab into your scene and that's all. Also you can check example demo scene.• Animations:- Select- Putaway- Idle- Move- Run- Automatic Fire (or single 'Fire' animation depending on the weapon model)- Reload- Empty Reload (if the magazine is empty)- Zoom Idle- Zoom Move- Zoom Automatic Fire (or single 'Fire' animation depending on the weapon model)- Melee Attack- Dryfire (if no ammo)- Alternate Fire Mode (some weapons)- Grenade Throw- Crouch- Jump• File formats:- FBX for models and animations- PNG for textures- WAV for sound effects• Polygons info:- Russian Assault Rifle - 11985 Polys- Russian Assault Rifle Mobile - 4658 Polys- Light Machine Gun - 10669 Polys- Light Machine Gun Mobile - 4216 Polys- Bullpup Automatic Shotgun - 5682 Polys- Bullpup Automatic Shotgun Mobile - 2553 Polys- Grenade Launcher - 10445 Polys- Grenade Launcher Mobile - 4847 Polys- Bullpup Assault Rifle - 11677 Polys- Bullpup Assault Rifle Mobile - 4457 Polys- Pistol - 3966 Polys- Pistol Mobile - 1846 Polys- Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - 11073 Polys- Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle Mobile - 4904 Polys- Hands/Arms - 4968 Polys- Hands/Arms Mobile - 2367 Polys