Every RPG game set in the dark ages has them (cliches are safe), whether it's low-fantasy or high-fantasy. This package contains four glass bottles and one leather flask. Every object in this pack features a texture map, an occlusion map, a metallic map (roughness is included as alpha), a parallax (height) map and a normal map. The normal maps are also used to simulate refraction. Resolution ranges between 2K and 4K, depending on how many details are needed. The leather flask is skinned with bones, so that any place that looks soft and flexible actually is.
All the bottles feature sign of wear-and-tear, since there was no way to mass produce them in the 16th century.
Every prefab has a LOD group featuring two levels of detail. The second level of detail contains 25% of the vertices of the first level (maps are the same as the first level).
A simple demo scene as well as a readme is featured (the HDR map used for reflections in the pictures is copyrighted and thus not included). For the liquids to look good, use the built-in standard assets. You might need to tweak the settings a bit to get a satisfactory result.
The demoscene in the pictures is rendered with contrast enhancement, bloom, ambient occlusion, vignetting and anti-aliasing (among others) from the standard assets.