RetroKit contains everything you need to create your own unique retro-styled sprites, animations, sound effects and music. All fully integrated with the Unity Editor for a faster workflow.
Early development
Buy RetroKit for a low price while it's still in early development!
RetroKit consists of the following tools:
• Sprite Editor to draw 2D pixel art and quickly create sprite animations and animation sets.
• Sound Effect Editor to create chiptune style sound effects.
• Music Composer to create chiptune style music.
• Sprite editor
• Animation editor
• Animation set editor, for easy animation switching in your scripts
• Visual sound effect editor
• Visual music editor
• 6 different 8-bit sounds to choose from: pulse, saw, square, triangle, sine and noise waves
• Audio player component to easily play your sounds and music
• Export sound effects and songs to WAV-files
• Retro Camera component for pixel perfect rendering
• Live editing: modify your Retro assets while you're in play mode to see your changes in action instantly!