Easily create multi-language games without a line of code by managing all your multilingual texts in one place!
JLoc is a JSON based Language Manager with a complete Editor to create and edit your language dependant strings.
Organize your multilingual texts in multiple JSON files and load them (additively) on demand without any code! You even can exchange them in your build without the need to rebuild if you notice any spelling errors or want to exchange some texts.
- Unity Text and Text Mesh Pro support without scripting
- Additive, asynchronous string file loading without scripting
- Editor for string files
- Automatic placeholder generation
- Strings are stored in JSON files in StreamingAssets - you can exchange them even after building!
- Easy to use API to set strings via custom scripts
- Callbacks for language changes - you can plug in your own language dependant systems!
- Documentation
Notice that you need to use .NET 4.x as your scripting runtime version in order to use JLoc.