A tool used to verify game purchases from Itch.io, without the need of the Itch App itself.
Easily get user profile information or check if a user has ownership of your game
Example Calls:
-ItchToolkit.OAuthRequest.RequestOAuthApiKey("Your Oauth App Client ID");
-ItchToolkit.ItchUserRequest userRequest = new ItchToolkit.ItchUserRequest("User Token");
-bool isOwned = ItchToolkit.ItchUserRequest.IsGameOwned("Game ID");
Usage Flow
- Request an OATH Key to grant access to the users profile
- Use that key to retrive profile info such as UserID
- Combine UserID and your API Key to verify game purchase
-Get detailed information such as Username and Avatar
Links to obtain Itch.io API details can be found here:
- Setting Up OATH App suggestion: Set authorization callback URL to urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
- Generating You API Web KEY
- Obtaining Game ID get from Dashboard, click edit on game and the number will be found in the URL
This library is OpenSource and if you wish to build on top of this, the source can be found here on GitHub