The Loris Settings manager is a Unity Editor extension for configuring and managing all of the user editable game settings in your project. It is designed to allow game settings to be managed entirely in the editor using an interface similar to the Input Manager - all without writing a single line of code.
It is also intended to allow in-game settings menus to be built quickly and efficiently even by non-coders (artists, UX/UI designers, etc), putting the power in their hands to create a good user experience. You can build menus that create two-way bindings with your configured settings using the supplied components, meaning no code is required.
- Manage your game settings in the editor
- Easily reference their values in your code
- Subscribable events to give you greater control
- Optional built-in support for universal settings such as screen resolution, fullscreen mode and quality level
- Built-in components to allow you to build settings menus with no code
- Supports all default Unity inputs
- Includes components for Save Changes, Discard Changes and Restore Defaults buttons with included validation handling
- Extensible to allow for custom input support (code for built-in inputs is provided as an example)
Full documentation can be found here.
Lots more features are planned, and feedback can be given at the above link. It is hoped that popular input packs will be officially supported in the near future as well. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email me or come join the project chat!