Animated character with 14.100 polygons and 52 animations.Animated character with 14.100 polygons and 52 animations.4 LOD stages included:LOD0: 14131LOD1: 9780LOD2: 6910LOD3: 2644Contact:email: info@dexsoft-games.comJoin Discord CommunityAnimations: Attack_1, Attack_2, Attack_3, Attack_4, Attack_5, Attack_6, Attack_7, Attack_8, Attack_9, Attack_combo, Attack_combo_02, Attack_Jump, block, cutThroat, Death, death_1, getReady_02, Hit_right, HitBack, HitFront, HitLeft, Idle, Idle_attack, idle_Attack2, Idle_Attack3, Idle_attack4, Idle_Attack5, Idle_Attack6, Jump_Complet, Jump_Down, Jump_Fall, Jump_Start, Mark_02, Mark_03, Mark_04, NewLife, run_backward, Run_Forward, Run_Left, Run_Right, Sneak_Left, SneakRight, taunt, taunt_02, TPose, walkBackward, walkForward, walkLeft, walkRight, walkStopMark, Win, win2,